Pardon Our Mess

New Year…New Look: Time for a New Web Design

As the new year continues to march on, we here at Hawk Racing find ourselves deep in preparations for all of the new things coming in 2019.  This year will be bringing quite a bit of change around Hawk Racing.  Some of it you will see, some of it you won’t.  However, even the unseen things bring benefits to you.  As our company grows and bring on new staff, we are able to expand into programs and areas that we otherwise, frankly, just didn’t have the time and energy to take care of in a manner that our customers would deserve.  This new year allows just such exciting new changes. Our new web design is more appealing, user-friendly, and lays the groundwork for some really exciting things to come.

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Ceramic vs Steel Bearings

Ceramic Cycling Bearings: Worth the Money or Overblown Hype?

Gone are the days when ceramic bearings were a technology limited to the pro peloton. As more and more of the cycling masses look to advanced technology formerly seen in use only by the pros, the question arises of where the hard-earned money of the average cyclist should be spent. What technologies will get them the largest gains for their money. Similarly, what upgrades are more about the name than the performance. Ceramic bearings are all the rage, but does their performance really live up to their hype?

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