Tips to Avoid Injury on Rides

Tips to Avoid Injury on Rides

    Nothing derails your rides faster than an injury. For those of us who live in northern climate, you may not have as many months out of the year when you truly enjoy your sport. Whether you ride all year or not, nothing derails your cycling pursuit faster than an injury. The good news is, there are things you can do to precent injury. Here’s more information:

    Make Sure the Bike Fits

    Is your bike fitted to your body? If not, you could be setting yourself up for injury. An ill-fitting bike can lead to various issues, such as knee pain, back discomfort, and numbness in the hands. Here’s what to look out for:

    Saddle Height. Your saddle should be high enough that your leg is slightly bent when the pedal is at its lowest point. This position helps avoid strain on your knees.
    Handlebar Position. Your handlebars should be within comfortable reach, allowing for a slight bend in your elbows. This reduces stress on your shoulders and neck.
    Saddle Position. The saddle should be level and positioned so that your weight is evenly distributed.

    Wear the Right Gear

    Shoddy gear can derail your rides and cause injuries. The right clothing can make your rides comfortable and keep you safe. For example, you wouldn’t want to wear baggy pants on a ride because it can get stuck in the moving parts of your bike and cause you to fall and potentially get injured!

    You’ll want to wear a helmet, the right shorts or bike pants, gloves, and in general clothing that is specifically made for cycling.

    Condition Your Body

    Safety aside, another cause of injury is simply being out of shape. If you don’t keep yourself in riding shape, you’ll have a tough time on your rides and potentially get injured.

    If you are just starting, or you are returning to riding after a break, be sure to take things slow. You don’t want to be too aggressive on your first rides because this will set you up for injury. You can also consider doing some cross training and conditioning work in a gym to strengthen all your muscles.

    Stay Hydrated and Well Fueled

    Dehydration and lack of proper nutrition can lead to cramps, fatigue, and poor performance, increasing your risk of injury. Drink water regularly during your ride, and consume a balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats. For long rides, consider bringing energy bars or gels to maintain energy levels. You might want to ask an expert for advice on the best way to fuel during rides.

    Honor Road Conditions

    Awareness of your surroundings is crucial for preventing accidents and injuries. This extra level of safety will help keep you injury free! Always be on the lookout for hazards like potholes, gravel, wet leaves, and other obstacles. Slow down in unfamiliar areas and use caution when navigating sharp turns or steep descents. Any of these conditions could be an injury waiting to happen.

    Injury prevention is so important. Follow these tips and it will help give you longevity in the sport!

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